Help save Letters and Numbers
2012-06-25 22:07
Heather Gillies
Toowoomba, QLD
Shame SBS
In a world where so much of our TV viewing is driven by sex, crime, fantasy, etc, it has been so refreshing to have a show that is both entertaining and challenging for the mind. Will be very sad to see the show go, and really hope the powers that be may reconsider once they realise there is a great deal of public support for the show.
2012-06-25 22:05
Adam Bell
Worst decision ever SBS, one of the only shows i watch EVERY night, even if I have to record it, and I get withdrawal symptoms if I forget. Doubtful if I'll do the same with Countdown. You'll regret the lead in it gave to the news for ratings SBS.
2012-06-25 21:59
Alicia Sinnbeck
Please don't axe the nicest show on TV!!
Not only does L&N improve the alphanumerical skills of the general public but all of the contestants are so nice, polite and genuine. It must be the award winner for the nicest show on TV so why 'rest' it when it is such a positive influence?
- Heartbroken (-:
2012-06-25 21:48
Frankie Knight
Letters and Numbers
I hope we haven't seen the last of L&N. the camaraderie between Richard, David, and Lily is a delight and my maths ability has improved greatly due to Lily's impressive technique. David's discussions about the origins of words is interesting and educational. We enjoy sitting together as a family, applying our collective brain to the challenges. Don't let the programme die!
2012-06-25 21:44
Gold Coast
We would be terribly disappointed if this show was axed. It's a pure show and we just love Lily! She is smart, classy and sweet. Please reconsider, SBS!!!!!
2012-06-25 21:36
Brian and Susan O'Neill
Please, please reconsider!
We watch L&N faithfully every night and have done so ever since it started. We love the challenge of the letters and numbers puzzles and more so love the three presenters and the genuine warmth and banter. I can only think that the reason SBS would axe the show is financial. It's probably cheaper to run old British series than to produce the locally made product. Having seen Countdown, and while we enjoyed it, the Aussie show was leagues ahead in the calibre of the three mainstays and how they bounced off one another. We won't be watching the replacement Brit series, so SBS has lost two extremely loyal viewers in that time slot.
2012-06-25 21:28
Moss Vale
Best show on television
So upset that SBS is removing this show. It has long been, in my opinion, the best show on television.
I watch it every night and certainly don't want the UK program in its place!
Please reconsider, SBS.
A 91-year-old L&N fan.
2012-06-25 21:23
Paddington, NSW
"Resting" L&N
If the French program has run since the 1960s and the UK one for over 20 years, why do we have 'kill off' our own Aussie one after such a short time? Why ditch good-quality, local content for imported UK TV? Why is their stuff better than ours? Why can't we have our own? Why swap the opportunity to promote our own excellent local talent for foreign content that isn't as good?
L&N has such a huge following, SBS, why turn those loyal viewers away when the program is growing in popularity, not declining? This is commercial stupidity!
Show some loyalty to local content, SBS! Shame on you!
2012-06-25 21:17
Geoff Cartridge
Woodside S.A.
Please bring back L&N
L&N in Australia is unique in as much that it has Australian personalities, Australian contestants and apart from the Macquarie dictionary the reward is purely honorary. It is intellectual, stimulating and competitive and suitable for all ages. It is not commercial and caters for a niche of TV viewers not caterd for on any other channel. To scrap this wonderful show and substitute Countdown is erroneous in the extreme. Australians have no connection whatsoever with UK TV personalities or contestants. Considering that a small minority of people now were born in the UK the connection is even more tenuous. Not only that, society, even government has urged us to Buy Australian, to support the home grown product, Frsh is Best, Buy Australian and what SBS has done is the unpatriotic opposite. It is scrapping the home grown product to buy an irrelevant import. That is like buying New Zealand apples and dumping Australian apples! What message is this giving Australian actors and artists? SBS charter of multicultural content and freedom is wonderful and has been consistent high quality. The boundaries have been pushed with UNWANTED advertising but we viewers have been tolerant because of the quality. But now this decision puts SBS as being no better than some commercial channels. It is time to reconsider your decision!
2012-06-25 21:06
McAteer Family
SBS should be ashamed at the withdrawal of letters and numbers. An entertaining, educational, clean innocent good fun, not a bad word could be said about it show, and proudly Australian. Totally disgusted at this decision, why is it some people never realize a good thing when they see it. Change is not always for the better.