Help save Letters and Numbers

2012-06-26 08:26
Malcolm Ricketts
Manly Vale
Don't Axe Letters and Numbers
This is a great show. The whole family watch it. It stimulates my 2 schoolage kids far more than the other drivel they watch. Their ability at finding words and math solutions has increased since watching the show.
Keep employing Australians and don't import some British substitute (this is what I have heard but not confirmed) which we won't be watching.
2012-06-26 08:24
Rob Milton
Condell Park
Please stay...
Finally, Letters and numbers filled an abyss of commercial rubbish. An absolute highlight of my weekdays. I also have the L & N puzzle books to keep alert. I implore SBS to reconsider the demise of L & N. Please keep it running.
2012-06-26 08:24
L & N don't go!
this show is a great way to end the day. My husband & I participate together and feel part of a 'community' of like minded Australians enjoying the positive energy and challenge L&N provides. An OS version just won't be the same!
2012-06-26 08:23
Barbara Gardiner
Gosford NSW
Please don't go!
My husband and I love this show. We loooove the presenters and even my little one year old has enjoyed watching this show. From about 6 months of age she became intrigued by the clock, she is mesmerised by Lily's beauty and I read the letters out to her as they appear on the screen. We all love this show and learn so much by it. It's our weekly half hour of television indulgence! I'm very sad to learn this show won't be on any longer :(
2012-06-26 08:22
L & N - Please don't go.
L&N. You are the sunshine of my life. I thought you'd always be around. You were the highlight of my night, Forever you'll stay in my heart. (apologies to S Wonder). L&N is the 6 o'clock pick- me-up, without the alcohol. Its engaging in every way, especially when my solution is achieved the same way as Lily's. Love the books as well. SBS - pls reconsider.
2012-06-26 08:21
SBS stop replacing Australian content with old english shows. Enjoy what you have already and make the most of it - boardgame, iphone app, website.
2012-06-26 08:21
Margaret A
Please, please, SBS, do not drop LETTERS AND NUMBERS.
It is the most entertaining and educational show on television.
2012-06-26 08:21
Alyssa Aughterson
Inner West
SBS - What are you thinking?
SBS please reconsider your decision - it's a sad, sad day as yet more Australian content slips away into the abyss....

How are my husband (39 YO physicist) & myself (37 YO engineer) going to have our week night nerd-off if Letters and Numbers disappears?
2012-06-26 08:20
Sue Riethmuller
What a loss to the education of our young ones
This year I went into a primary classroom with the 'innovative' idea of running a letters and numbers competition for a period. The students loved it. I was amazed to hear how many students watched the show regularly. It is doing such a wonderful job of raising the level of interest in and positive attitude toward numeracy and literacy skills amongst our children. What a loss its demise will be to the quality of Australian television in general and to our children in particular.
2012-06-26 08:19
This show is a joy to watch. Everyone is treated with respect, there is not a hint of humiliation or putdown. Intellectual achievement is valued and all ages can enjoy taking part at home at their own level. It extends young minds and keeps older ones active.