Help save Letters and Numbers

2012-06-26 17:47
If you can't fund it, drop one of your digital channels
Come on SBS. Letters and Numbers is unique in the current TV landscape. I'm sure times are tough, but I'm sure there are better ways to save money than to cut quality Australian productions...perhaps you can stop the broadcast signals on those 2-3 digital channels that screen exactly the same thing all the time.
2012-06-26 17:45
Southern NSW
Don't do it, SBS
This is the only bit of sanity on TV these days. Good, clean and VERY educational. I definitely think my own brain has sharpened up a lot since I've been watching it. I also know that there are many, many people out there who watch the show but don't make public comments about it on blogs and forums (or as David
Astle would say, "fori"). Don't spoil a good thing, SBS.
2012-06-26 17:45
Chris S
'Resting' Letters and Numbers
We are extremely disappointed with this decision by SBS. Probably the only show on television worth watching at the moment. Please rethink this decision SBS, we don't want second hand English substitutes when we have our very own David Richard and Lily. How could the Poms ever come close.
2012-06-26 17:45
A very bad move, our whole family watch the show and love it. It has it's own unique style. I watched Countdown when we lived in Ireland and it is also a great show but it's not L&N.
2012-06-26 17:40
Jess Jackson
North Rocks, NSW.
Letters and Numbers 'rest'
This is the only show which we, our children and our grandchildren ALL love. If three generations think it is worth watching, what are your programmers thinking? Great host in Richard;Lily passes all expectations of a mathematician; and David always challenges us to extend our knowledge of words and language. Maybe the Australian Govt has missed out on a cheap education system here, and Tourism Australia needs no prawns or Swearing Bungles to promote an intelligent country enjoying polite, family entertainment.
2012-06-26 17:37
elodie jackson
Please keep LAN!
Please don't take off Letters and Numbers.
My favourite letter is E.
I like Lily the best, she is very smart.
I am almost 4 years old
2012-06-26 17:36
Jen S
Whose crazy idea is this?
What are you doing, SBS? You've got a popular program which is gaining viewers and that leads people to stay on your channel for the news, and you 'rest' (axe) it? Why? What for?

This program has an ever-increasing following of loyal viewers. It is a positive program that brings families together and encourages viewers of all ages to become interested in words and calculations. It also provides a valuable social role model for young girls/women who are interested in Maths and the Sciences. Why take away something so worthwhile?

Furthermore, why insult us all by taking away our local Aussie content and giving us an English version? So what if it's popular in England - that's not us.

We won't be watching the English program or the SBS news after Wednesday - it will be back to Time Team and the ABC News.

Wake up, SBS, and listen to the viewers!
2012-06-26 17:35
Bruno and Helen
Rylstone NSW
Keeping Letters and Numbers
This game is helping to keep our minds active. Bruno turns 81 this year and enjoys the challenge of finding words and calculating the total from numbers chosen. He is almost house bound so it is an essential part of his day.
We compete with one another with words found and number calculations. A great feat at our age.
What wonderful way for children to learn to spell and calculate. great to get to know Lily , David and Richard. We really feal part of the game.
We were devastated when we found it was to be stopped. The English one will not be the same. We want David, Lily and Richard. It is fun.
2012-06-26 17:34
bronte jackson
Please don't take away Letters and Numbers
LAN is my favourite show on TV. It helps me learn maths and spelling. My biggest word was cameras.
I am 6 years old.
2012-06-26 17:31
Jill Murray
Keeping Letters and Numbers
The show is enjoyed by our family young and old. It's entertaining, educational and challenging. The hosts are always terrific. Please keep this Australian show going.