Help save Letters and Numbers

2012-06-26 19:15
Elisabeth and Hugh Inglis
Thirroul NSW
Please don't axe L & N
Letters and Numbers have a special place in our daily routine. It is a time to wind down, have an aperitif and hope the grey cells are still functioning. We don't watch celebrity nonsense or trashy dumbed down quiz shows.Please don't axe the only genuine brain trainer on the telly. And Lily is such a great role model for girls!!
2012-06-26 19:02
K. Wilson
Keep L&N going
This is one of the simplest but most enjoyable shows on TV. It's not just the concept but the three presenters, who are all great in their respective roles. SBS: you're mad to stop this. ABC: why don't you pick this up??
2012-06-26 19:00
Jennifer Mullumby
Pascoe Vale Victoria
Re:axing of Letters and Numbers
SBS - Please do not axe this show. It is rare to view a program that is concerned with content only and does not have all the razzmatazz.

It is such a refreshing program that has become a "must" for many viewers in this time slot. It has even changed our evening routine.
2012-06-26 19:00
S & S
Hills, Sydney
Are you insane , don't stop the only descent thing on at that time-slot:)
2012-06-26 18:59
Alison & Mick Morris
This is the best thing SBS has had in years and local content to boot!!

Love the show and the interaction between Richard, David and Lily. Lily's maths brain is incredible!
2012-06-26 18:57
Beth Powell
Sans Souci
L & N
My husband and I watch the show every night and enjoy the challenge of competing to find the answers. My maths has improved and I know my grand daughters has too, as they watch the show at school! A wonderful variation on teaching!
2012-06-26 18:51
Eddie Clynes
Blue Mountains NSW
Don't axe my favourite show
What else will I do at 6 pm on a weeknight!
It's funny, it's witty, it's challenging, engaging and highly educational. What on earth could replace Letters and Numbers??
2012-06-26 18:50
Central Victoria
SBS - you're absolutely stupid canning this programme. For once, there is a programme that is definitely not as moronic as are so many other shows. You obviously don't give a damn about viewers. Can't make enough advertising dollars? Broadcast rights a tad expensive? So what - why don't you for once think about the viewers and not about making money. This is one of the best programmes on television. With a bit of luck, it will be picked up by the ABC. And Lily going to yet another cooking programme - what a waste of talent. SBS - you're past your used-by date.
2012-06-26 18:49
Richard White
Bayview, Sydney
Please don't dumb down to the same level as the commercial stations.
L&N is the first show I watch each night and is my intro to a good night on SBS. Please don't remove my incentive to turn on the telly.
2012-06-26 18:47
Worst SBS decision since ads
SBS is about to shoot itself in the foot again. This decision makes no sense. L&N is so much better than Countdown it's scary - David and Lily are both streets ahead of their equivalents, and Lily in particular is a role model in so many ways. At least, please, commit to a L&N return in 2013.