Help save Letters and Numbers

2012-06-27 14:21
Don't go
Please, in an age where we get fed moronic shows like Lara Bingle and people pretending cooking is important or interesting, don't take away the one show with a bit of intellegence, character and humour that actually challenges the mind a bit.
2012-06-27 14:21
Nancy Fry
Letters & Numbers
My husband and I (both retired) love this show and any others that challenge our minds. We never use paper and pen, just our heads and compete with each other, the contestants, as well as Lily and David. Please SBS reconsider your decision - we're not the only oldies who like to exercise our brains.
2012-06-27 14:21
TV needs Letters and Numbers!
That distinctive intro jingle in the Letters and Numbers theme song ringing through the house is the cue to gather around the tv with my friends to play Letters and Numbers with each other. Its not an old person's show, I know so many other young adults that love the intelligent stimulation and the challenge that we get from Letters and Numbers. And WE LOVE LILY!! Please, please keep Letters and Numbers!
2012-06-27 14:20
Educated television
This is literally the only show I watch on TV. There are far too many shallow shows aimed at imbeciles and not enough shows for the educated. The more we dumb down TV, the more we dumb down the Australian public, and I am absolutely positive we don't need that.
2012-06-27 14:20
Ryan Bartlett
My afternoons revolve around Letter & Numbers, please don't cease production :(
2012-06-27 14:20
Sebastian Bayne
Avalon NSW
love it!
I think L&N is a great show, very enjoyable, and SBS just needs to help develop it more! I also think a whole heap of fans are not of the internet using age (oldies), so please consider them too.
2012-06-27 14:19
a great show! My mum and her grandchildren all enjoy watching this together!! Not many shows
2012-06-27 14:18
Julz Hay
I'll have no reason to rush home anymore after work.

This is the best show on television! SBS is crazy to take it off air!
2012-06-27 14:18
David Thompson
This was a great show, a brilliant alternative to the major network news shows. Got my mind thinking, i got good at the numbers games and letters games my letter count was increasing. Come on SBS this was a great show, bring it back!
2012-06-27 14:18
Johnson ZHANG
Best Show
Dear SBS,
Please reconsider bring back the SBS Letters and Numbers show, it is the best show and everyone watches it, it is my favorite show and please bring back the show! We want to hear more exciting and new words and also, lovely maths solution by Lily Serna and the discussion between David Astle and Richard Morecroft about some new things! So please bring back the show!