Help save Letters and Numbers

2012-06-27 14:45
Sad Demise of Letters & Numbers
An intelligent, well thought out program which is locally produced gets the axe. Who's responsible for that thoughtless, unintelligent act? Maybe they should be given the chop as well!
2012-06-27 14:43
We love Letters and Numbers
Letters and Numbers is a great show to watch. It is educational and the hosts are doing such a great job. This show should go on.
2012-06-27 14:42
Ridgewood, WA
We sit down as a family and try to better each other. My kids 6 & 8 love to watch, it's a fantastic show and keeps the brain active. SBS please bring back Letter & Numbers!!!
2012-06-27 14:41
No No No
Please do not axe this show it's very entertaining and educational we need this type of show on TV . Bad people SBS
2012-06-27 14:41
Mark James
People who watch shows like L&N aren't likely to pay attention to or act on its ads.

This is the sort of show that needs to be an online subscription (with broadcast samplers). 100k subscribers @ $20/year = $2 million.
2012-06-27 14:40
Unique Show
Why would you want to cancel a unique show such as Letters and Numbers? Or, will we get another cooking show.
2012-06-27 14:38
One of the only shows on current television that promotes an individual to think for themselves and to find enjoyment in it, and it is being taken off our screens. So very disappointing! Please, keep the joy of thinking and learnin alive!!
2012-06-27 14:37
Rick Paulsen
Letters and Numbers
I was shocked when I heard that SBS was not going to produce any more episodes of Letters and Numbers. This show must cost nothing to produce, even the prizes cost almost nothing! In a world where game shows consist of "guess what's in this box" or "guess how much this costs" we need a show like Letters and Numbers to further delay the inevitable Idiocracy of this nation. Please reconsider!
2012-06-27 14:37
english replacement
I can understand closing it if it is too expensive or not popular ... but since they are replacing it with EXACTLY the same show ( only cheaply from England) all it shows is a lack of committement to australian talent and skills.

all it seems to be indicating to viewers is that British people are smarter than us.. now go west and dig up some iron ore to ship overseas you dirty convicts!

what message is that to the hordes of kids watching all round Australia stretching their brains.

Maybe take the money away from yet another boring program featuring some know it all talking about soccer from overseas endlessly with no real understanding of the game as it is played in Australia!

or from some wierd french or Ukranian movie that makes no sense and no one watches all the way through!
2012-06-27 14:36
Tom Shepherd
Bondi NSW
It would be A terrible loss to the community.
I love the show, I can play along or just sit their and get smarter just by watching. My niece is three and I noticed a few months back that she gets totally absorbed by it. She isn't interested in any other programming except the kid shows on ABC. She was absolutely glued, it was like watching a fat man absorbed by a fridge. Says it all to me.