Help save Letters and Numbers
2012-06-27 22:58
Rob & Sue Boyes
Melrose, Tasmania
Don't you dare!
With all the crap on television how can you even consider axing the best show of them all. No drugs, no sex, no violence, no deafening music with suspect that the problem?
Our grandchildren (six of them aged between 12 and five) benefit hugely from this show. It should be compulsory viewing in all schools by both students AND TEACHERS.
2012-06-27 22:44
Letters and Numbers
SBS you fill me with hate.
2012-06-27 22:17
Great family show, our 8 yr old learns lots and thinks she is so clever when she gets the answers right. We all love listening to David's little quirky bits and the way Lilly solves the numbers is unreal. If you cancel this the kids will discover the Simpsons is back on at 6pm and what can they possibly learn from that show?
2012-06-27 22:12
I am bewildered by the SBS action to axe Letters and Numbers after not even two years when its antecedents in France and the UK have run for 47 and 30 years respectively. Apparently it even rates highly for SBS. To me it seems to say that we the viewers who love this show are not the sort of audience SBS wants. I am affronted. What other abominations can we expect from SBS now?
2012-06-27 22:08
Graeme Cooper
Clunes, vic 3370
Keep the show going
finally a good game show that makes people, and the audience, use their intelligence. This show is for all of us who believe in the three R's - Reading wRiting and aRithmetic. SBS - have a look on facebook and see how many followers the presenters have. Keep it going - even start more on the same vein. Perhaps an all maths one, or something based on crosswords? Cryptic crossword clues?? Better than the mindless shows for the mentally incompetant like sale of the century, wheel of fortune, the price is right, and lets not forget the one for the days of our life fans - deal or no deal. You have a great show aimed at the thinking people. Don't lose it.
2012-06-27 21:59
Andris Abolins
Kariong NSW
Letters & Numbers
Why is it necessary to cancel a show like Letters & Numbers?
It is entertaining, interesting and educational.
The three presenters are superb, the atmosphere is always friendly. It involves local people and it is Australian.
2012-06-27 21:52
Peter Wesley-Smith
Kangaroo Valley, NSW
Letters & Numbers
Good move, SBS! Morecroft is too gloomy, Astle witters on too much, Lily's arithmetical facility is greatly exaggerated (and she's a girl: we all know girls can't do maths) - such a boring, irrelevant, nerdy program. Who wants to do letters and numbers puzzles? Let's have some more soccer!
2012-06-27 21:46
Highlight of the night
I fell in love with L&N at first sight - could hardly believe such a fabulously geeky show existed amidst all the trash with which our screens are flooded - and have been devotedly playing along ever since. It's added new words to my vocabulary and made maths fun (something I never thought possible). Richard, Lily, David and the contestants have all been a pleasure to watch and the camaraderie will be much missed.
Memo to SBS: There are two people here who would rather watch the lightweight local news than your attempt at a substitute.
2012-06-27 21:39
Jochen Lippert
Cabarita Beach, NSW
Lettters and Numbers
English is not my mother language and I have never learned more about the Australian-English language than within the last 2 years watching the show.
It is the most thoughtfull, intelligent, entertaining, educatinal, informative show on Australian Television.
I love David's background stories on words.
Lilly is intellegent and an absolut eye-candy :-)
Richard the perfect host: funny, witty, professional.
Please SBS, let L&N live on!
2012-06-27 21:39
Alex Kennedy
Orange, NSW
It really is a shame that Lily Serna's beautiful visage will not be gracing my television set at 6pm.