Help save Letters and Numbers
2012-06-28 15:20
Evening ritual
There is so little of merit to watch on free-to-air TV any more. Please don't axe L & N.
I race home from work to catch it each night and love trying to solve the 'letters and numbers'. It is one show that parents and children can share - we love the rather 'daggy' format.
I'm with Therese - I hate cooking, don't renovate or have any interest in sport - please no more 'reality' shows.
I used to watch the ABC News but since L & N am a convert to Janice and Anton. Surely, L & N has brought others to SBS, too. (Take some of the money being spent on all that new, distracting busy-ness behind the newsreaders to keep L & N.)
2012-06-28 14:52
Very dissapointed
I agree....let us keep the only show on television worth watching. I for one will miss it terribly and will have to look elsewhere to find something worthwile to look at
2012-06-28 14:20
I found the show Mentally stimulating and very entertaining, how sad It's being taken off air.
2012-06-28 13:59
joan edison
letters and numbers
Axing Letters and Numbers is sheer stupidity. SBS was on a winner, with the entertaining cast - and the spinoff books. What's happened to Australian content? Why should we watch the English version? It was educational and informative - I have a friend who is a maths teacher who said it has helped bring maths alive for his students. So many people I know are huge fans - I hope they all write letters of complaint, as I have.
2012-06-28 13:55
Oatley, NSW
L & N ......... Aaagh!
So 'Letters & Numbers is being 'rested'. Did EUPHEMISM ever apperar as a conundrum? For that matter who chose the very apt GALLSTONE as
June 27's conundrum?
The world does not need another cooking programme! If in future Lily Serna appears on our television screens to discuss condiments and noodles Australia will have lost it's favourite maths whizz for no discernable gain!
All L&N fans ought to completely boycott the Tour de France. How hard could that be?
JS - Oatley.
2012-06-28 13:53
Joseph Milgram
Grays Point, NSW 2232
'Letters and Numbers'
A mind-boggling, assinine decision. Where's the actual "bottom line" behind this egregious, blinkered executive(?) decision? The triumverate/protagonist presenters are such GENTLE, WITTY.WHOLESOME, ERUDITE and PLEASANT human beings whilst the contestants are unwaveringly intelligent, good-natured and soft-spoken. First I lose my 'Sydney Morning-Herald' to the madness of technological rationalisation, to go with the necessity of having to drive into the city to see films for cinema buffs with an IQ over 85 (Alas, I DO live in THE SHIRE) and now this-the axing of this delightful presentation. What a BLUNT blow!
2012-06-28 13:15
No joy from SBS
I wrote to SBS to complain about this ludicrous decision and got a stock answer in reply - the usual weasel words that had been cut and pasted from an officially approved document. Are they listening at all? Do they care that this program had devoted followers, and lots of them? Are they too proud to reverse an idiotic decision?
2012-06-28 13:02
Therese Mather
Don't let it go!
What kind of decision is it to drop a show that offers so much good to people of all ages? With the rubbish that's on offer elsewhere, this was the only program I watched without fail. It was a pleasant change to watch something that doesn't glorify crime (not to mention giving ideas to potential criminals, especially murderers!), doesn't show people being murdered, bashed etc and doesn't have anything to do with cooking, decorating, racing, sport, singing or the normal twaddle we are offered everywhere else. How good was it to watch a show that offered no monetary gain but was for the pure satisfaction of using your brain - something you don't need to do with most other programs. What's on offer to replace it? A quiz show about history with the contestants made up of an historian and a comedian on a team - yeah - sounds like it's really going to get the grey matter pumping eh? Can you imagine - dull historian and snappy one-liner comedian - yuk! Then to top it off we've been offered the British equivalent, Countdown. That one's about as much fun as watching paint dry. A sad day for SBS indeed!
2012-06-28 13:02
Keep it Going
SBS, you would be mad to cease this show . It is informative and stimulating to all ages.
2012-06-28 12:43
John Knight
Hey man...
...David's awesome.