Help save Letters and Numbers

2012-06-28 20:42
Brenda Cameron
Shelley Beach
I am desolate!
SBS has shown absolutely no respect for its veiwing public in axing this magnificent show.

David, Lily and Richard were welcome additions to my viewing day. The show had none of the usual malice and nastiness that is prevalent in many shows, and exercised one's intellect. Many friends of mine are residents in nursing homes and this sharpened their acumen, as they were competing with each other and having a very enjoyable time. It could have gone for an hour -- I missed it on the weekends when not on.

I was ready at six each evening with pen and paper at the ready, having had my dinner, as I am a diabetic, this was a highlight in the day; amidst a viewers' wastland for anybody with a scintilla of intelligence.

What are we now to be expected to watch? Two and a half cretins? The Block, God forbid; I am so over renovation programs.

I heartily and sincerey hope that SBS reverses this woeful and disrespectful decision, and has some consideration for its viewing public, which endures previously non existent ads to watch quality programs.

Why do we want this English rubbish. David Astle is magnificent and Lily is brilliant.

Shame on you SBS, Shame. Cut costs elsewhere!
2012-06-28 20:30
Bermagui NSW
letters and numbers should NOT be axed
I'm very disappointed this show has been axed. I loved it, especially the numbers. It was good to have a show that makes you think.
2012-06-28 20:20
letters and numbers
thats it im boycotting sbs until l&n is returned to its rightful place as the best show on australian television. unnaceptable sbs.
2012-06-28 20:19
Not again!
First Chaser's, then Spicks and Specks and now L&N!?


C'mon alternative television. I'm running out of things to watch!
2012-06-28 20:18
Deeply disappointed
How could you drop the BEST show on TV! I first watched this show while breast feeding my son and it saved us both. He is now 2 and dances to the opening music and knows it's Mummy's time for a glass of wine and a pen and paper. Wake up SBS! The family which plays together stays together. No foreign imports could replace our Richard, David and Lily!
2012-06-28 20:12
Shame on you!
Why would SBS do this? Do the participants no longer wish to... participate? Letters and Numbers was probably the ONLY intelligent program on Australian television and they choose to replace it with a cheap import?

Also - unless Lily Stern's "Destination Flavour" is a maths themed program with an unlikely name and not (as it would seem to be) yet another boring lifestyle program, I won't watch. Lily - go finish your PhD. You're too good to be a pretty face tasting curry. Please continue to show the next generation of girls that cooking and housewifery isn't their only option.
2012-06-28 20:11
Not happy Jan. Not happy SBS that you have cancelled a 'must watch' show. I am sure there are many other households that rearrange their dinner schedules to be able to watch this show at 6pm.

Richard, David and Lily are considered part of our family and it is a shame they did not get the chance to say goodbye to their viewers on TV.
2012-06-28 20:08
Theresa Jansen
Marcoola QLD
Bring Back Letters & Numbers!
My family are devastated that this wonderful educational show show has been axed & will be replaced by a cheaper foreign version. Lily, David & Richard have made this the best version of the show. Every night at 6.00 pm we switched to SBS to improve our mathematical & word skills, compete against each other, be entertained by Lily, Richard & David & cheer on the contestants. This show was intelligent, & sophisticated laced with Aussie charm & honesty. I refuse to watch an overseas replacement show. Our own Aussie L&N was by far the best. I will be switching channels at 6.00 pm in protest. Shame on you SBS - worst decision ever!
2012-06-28 19:49
Susan Kouba
St Huberts Island
Ridiculous axing of Letters and Numbers
I meant a full monty in the worst way in my last missive. The atmosphere was wholesome and generous in nature. Nothing nasty, no schadenfreude; which is more that can be said for most of the vacuous rubbish we are subjected to. I will not watch Channel 10 at all, and there are a handful of shows I view. Free to air is rubbish and full of ads, Gem, etc.

The rubbish that replaced Letters and Numbers tonight, with the annoying Sam Pang, was an insult to the intelligence. That contained five people, and I turned off after five minutes.

SBS are going to lose a lot of viewers (and necessarily advertising revenue) over this ludicruous manouvere.

Save money elsewhere. Bring back Richard, David and Lily!
2012-06-28 19:48
Please don't do this!!!