Help save Letters and Numbers

2012-06-30 21:37
Chris Gorring
Axing/resting Letters and Numbers
In France Letters and Numbers has been running successfully for over 30 years. To axe this show after such a short time makes no sense and to replace it with a cooking show is a travesty.
2012-06-30 21:33
Roger Hooton
Barossa. SA
Cheap programme to make
We have been told that five programmes are recorded on one day and several days are used for the recordings of several weeks shows. So it is not as though the studio, presenters and production crew were required every week of the year but only just a few times. My mathematics is not good but I don't think it adds up to being an expensive programme to makes when you add in that the contestants do not get appearance money and I suspect the dictionaries are either supplied free of at a big discount. So why won't SBS give us some respect and tell us the truth
2012-06-30 21:30
Susan Gorring
Axing/resting Letters and Numbers
I can understand replacing Letters and Numers with the Tour de France whilst it is on but not replacing this highly enertaining and intelligent show with yet another cooking show.
2012-06-30 21:16
Susan GorringAu
"Resting of Letters and Numbers
2012-06-30 19:40
Brian Tickle
Taree NSW
Please rethink 'resting' of Letters and Numbers
As an educator (50 years coming up next January)I am appalled at the axing of one of the best programs on television - let alone SBS. Letters and Numbers was entertaining, challenging and educational. The three hosts were terrific and - like the contestants - were Australian. Surely there must be someone at SBS who sees the replacement of this program with the English version as a very, very backward step.
2012-06-30 19:24
Letters and Numbers.
PLEASE!!!! Don't axe Letters and Numbers. I love this show. I hope 7, 9 or 10 pick it up if you dump it. BIG mistake if you do.
2012-06-30 19:24
Kathy Crook
Letters and Numbers.
PLEASE!!!! Don't axe Letters and Numbers. I love this show. I hope 7, 9 or 10 pick it up if you dump it. BIG mistake if you do.
2012-06-30 18:38
Why would SBS axe Letters and Numbers?
Reverse your decision SBS! This is just a crazy decision clearly made my someone who sits around a board room table and never watches the program. TV needs wholesome family viewing and this was one of the few shows remaining on TV during prime time that i can watch together with my family.
TV needs something educational instead of the rubbish shown (news included) where my children can actually learn instead of being exposed to adult content all of the time.
Our family intentionally have dinner around the time this show on so we can watch it as a family and deliberately avoid watching the 6pm news on other channels due to the often disturbing content\images.
SBS need this show and I wonder at the intelligence behind removing one of the few reasons many people switch to SBS during prime time. I'll have to revert to ABC for my kids unless this show is put back on the air. Do something about this and quick!
2012-06-30 18:23
Vive la Revolution
Letters and Numbers is a must for the ageing population -- if you don't use it, you lose it -- that is, your intellectual capacity -- which has been challenged and entertained by some very able thinkers.Letters and Numbers is also a valuable way of encouraging children and adolescents to achieve arithmetical and verbal reasoning skills.
As a measure of the popularity of this program, there are six SBS books of Letters and Numbers quiz questions. As the Tour de France will be in the 6pm timeslot for some weeks, there is still time to reverse this unfortunate guilloting of such achallenging program.
2012-06-30 18:06
Greg Quan
SBS - Worst decision EVER!
NO! What is SBS thinking??? This is one of, if not, my favourite shows! BOO - NOT HAPPY! I love what their marketing droid came up with ... "SBS has made a decision to rest Letters and Numbers and develop other programs so we can continue to offer new, great content to our audiences." - PLEASE!

What a load of absolute rubbish! One has to love Marketing crap! Solve this puzzle SBS...


Seriously, you need to rethink this idiotic decision!